Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Pants or no pants

On last episode of MathFactor podcast there was an interview with Prof Ed Burger of Williams College where he discussed interesting puzzle:

Imagine that you have a rope, one end of which is tightly tied to your left ankle and another to your right ankle. So rope and your legs form a loop. Is that possible to remove your pants (or shorts) then turn them inside out and put them back on (in the "inside out form") without breaking the loop ?
Note: Comments may have spoilers! Come up with solution on your own before reading them.


Unknown said...

The shorts/Pants can be put inside out but the rope will be inside the shorts/pants. so the loop needn't be broken.

Vrungel said...

Yea, that is pretty much the way to go :)

Anonymous said...

If the pant/short legs are large enough to fit your body through then yes it is possible. First flip the shorts inside out while the are still on your legs(they will now be upside down as well). Next, slide the shorts/pants down pulling the rope through the legs so none of it extends out through the waist. Now rotate the shorts/pants around the loop feeding rope into one leg and out the other until you get to your body then pull one leg over your body and pop out through the waist.

Vrungel said...

well explained !